My Top 6 Hiking Favorites of 2023


Hiking has become one of my favorite physical activity. It’s challenging and I get to be out in nature. If the trail has an amazing views, it’s just an amazing hike.

The last couple years, I’ve accumulated some things that I continue to take with me on my hikes. These are some of my favorite hiking items for 2023. If you’re looking for gifts or just want to know what you can add to your hiking gear, here’s a list for you.

PrAna Jacket: I bought this jacket on a whim. I wanted something that will stand out so I opt for this red jacket. I LOVE this shade of red. It’s not super heavy. It’s also not thick. It’s a jacket that’s great for everyday or if conditions are just slightly down. I found that while its thin, it’s great for layering and its weather resistant. I wore it in Taiwan with the wind and some light rain, and it was great. I also wore it in the sun, I love that it’s thin and breathable even in the heat.

Vessi boots: These boots are lightweight and waterproof. I love that they have a higher ankle support which is what I prefer for my hikes. These boots are great for easy day hikes. If you’re looking for a pair of boots that’s easy to wear, has good support, waterproof, and great for easy hikes, definitely check this out!

Columbia boots: These boots are my longtime, tried and true hiking boots. They were my first and I’ve hiked over miles and miles in these. They are also lightweight and waterproof. These are more durable than the Vessi boots. They’re great for more moderate or difficulty day hikes. If you’re looking for a pair of affordable and good hiking shoes, definitely check these out!

Hiking backpack: This is my go-to backpack for all of my day hikes. I take this back pack everywhere with me if I plan to go hiking. It’s held up these past couple years, and it’s still in good condition. I put snacks, my camera, extra clothes, other belongings in here and it holds up. I also like that it has chest strap and hip strap for extra support during hikes. If you’re looking for a smaller hiking backpack, don’t miss out on this one!

Go Pure filter pod: I started using this for my water bottles that don’t have a filter system. It works great. I love that it’s easy to use and easy to clean. (I wouldn’t using this as the only filter system if you’re through-hiking or backpacking.) But after you’ve done your thorough water filtering from your trail water source, on a day to day, or city adventures, it’s a great addition. I drop this into my water bottle whenever I travel. It has gone through TSA just fine.

Wool socks: Wool socks are my go-to for my hikes. I find that they’re the best when it comes to protecting my feet. I have a couple different ones from different brands. Highly recommend getting good wool socks for hiking!

Here are the brands I’ve worn:

These are a list of my favorite hiking items of 2023. I love these things. I use them and bring them on my different hiking ventures and they’ve all held up! You don’t need fancy gear to start hiking. Just start! And then add as you go.

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